Water for Wildlife® currently has 240 completed/in-progress projects in Wyoming.  See the project locations and information on the interactive Google map! Click the colored project names to view photos of the project. 

Project #, Project Name
#2        Gates Draw Well
#4        Bandy Well
#5        Moneta Well
#6        12-Mile Well
#7        Allard Well
#8        Herbst Artesian Well
#10      Fish Draw Artesian Well
#11      Fraser Draw Windmill
#18      Hay Press Well
#19      Sheep Mountain Guzzler
#20     Birdseye Artesian Well
#21      Jack Morrow Hills Guzzler #1
#22      Cedar Canyon Guzzler #1
#23      Cedar Canyon Guzzler #2
#24      Cedar Canyon Guzzler #3
#25      Pine Canyon Guzzler #1
#26      Pine Canyon Guzzler #2
#27      Nine Mile Well
#28      Jack Morrow Hills Guzzler #2
#29      Clifton Guzzler
#30      Pennock Mountain Guzzler
#31      Reculusa Pipeline Well
#32      Freeman Draw Spring
#33      Black Mountain Guzzler
#41      Antelope Springs Reservoir
#46b    Leon Baird (Three Square) Wetland Protection Fence
#50      Pennock Mountain Snow Fence II
#67      A-A Guzzler
#68      Powerline Project
#70      Happy Hollow
#87      Encampment River Guzzler #1
#88      Trail Creek Spring
#92      Encampment River Guzzler #2
#100    Friday the 13th Wetland Protection Fence
#101    Cottontail Wetland Protection Fence
#102    Elephant Rock Spring
#103    Cedar Springs Cross Ranch II
#104    E.O. Taylor Unit Windmill
#114    Diamond Springs Reservoir
#136    Pollard Spring Development
#137    Elkhorn Well Trough #1
#138    Elkhorn Well Trough #2
#147    Goshen Hole Guzzler
#151    Elkhorn Well Trough #3
#152    Elkhorn Well Trough #4
#154    Salt Creek Wetlands
#155    Rutherford Guzzler
#158    E.O. Taylor WHMA Spring Solar Renovation
#159    Blue Mesa #1 ; #159/160 trail camera photos
#160    Blue Mesa #2 ; #159/160 trail camera photos
#161    Strube Memorial WHA
#165    North Tipton Wetland Project
#166    Red Desert Wetland Project
#167    Little Twin Lakes
#168    Napierskie Reservoir
#173    Squaw Teats Guzzler #1 ; #173/174 trail camera photos
#174    Squaw Teats Guzzler #2 ; #173/174 trail camera photos
#175    Potter Butte Pipeline/Fence #1
#176    Potter Butte Pipeline/Fence #2
#182    Bear Creek Pipeline
#183    Mike Mathiot Wetlands
#189    Colter’s Pond
#191    Missouri John Spring Development
#192    Big Won Reservoir
#193    Rocky Mountain Guzzler
#195    Tatman Mountain Guzzler #1
#196    Tatman Mountain Guzzler #2
#211    Jelm Mountain Guzzler
#212    Lu Gillies Pipeline
#213    Pine Bluff Guzzler
#214    Pugsley Wildlife Facility
#215    Eversole Spring/Ponds
#216    Chicken Springs Development
#218    Potato Ridge Reservoir
#222    Ice Slough Riparian Fence-Green Mountain Commons #1
#223    Diagnus Well Wetland-Green Mountain Commons #2
#224    Horse Track Well/Riparian Fence-Green Mountain Commons #3
#226    Holgerson’s Guzzler
#227    Kennedy Farms Guzzler
#228    Indian Meadows Ranch Guzzler
#236    Rohweder Guzzler Project
#237    Brown Guzzler Project
#238    Baab Guzzler
#239    Splinter Farms Guzzler
#240    Springfield Ranch Wildlife/Livestock Watering Facility & Upland Habitat Enhancement
#241    Holt Guzzler
#242    Red Mill Guzzler
#247    Glenn Reservoir
#252    Red Butte & Tenmile Guzzlers ; #252 trail camera photos
#253    Faddis Ranch Water Development
#254    Buffalo Gulch Pipeline Project
#255    Jeffres Guzzler Project
#256    Soppe CRP Enhancement Project
#262    Lemaster Stock Tank Project
#263    Kinchen Wetland
#264    Community Wildlife Education Center
#265    WG&F Education Center
#266    Crescent Basin Water Pipeline
#268    Martin Guzzler
#269    Beaver Guzzler
#279    Swan Guzzlers #1 & #2
#282    Brown Habitat Enhancement Project
#283    Bishop Guzzler Project
#285    Slacks Upland Habitat Project
#287    Stone Ranch Water Well Drilling Project
#288    Sheep Mountain Spring Development
#289    Virginian Reservoir
#290    Outback Ranch Solar Well
#295    SE Wyoming Guzzler
#304    Foster Gulch Water Development
#305    Oregon Slough Water Development
#308    Ratigan Water Development
#309    Buck Draw Water Development #1
#313    Ilo Ridge Guzzler #1
#314    Ilo Ridge Guzzler #2
#315    Bar V Ranch Well
#316    SE WY CRP/WIA Guzzler #1
#317    SE WY CRP/WIA Guzzler #2
#320    Upper Stewart Creek Riparian Pasture
#321    Hidden Springs Seep Development
#328    Jessen Wildlife Project
#329    Curt Gowdy Wildlife & Livestock
#330    Lemaster Stock Pond & Tank #2
#335    ID Ranch Water Developments
#336    Ordway Pasture Water Development
#337    East Ridge and Major Basin Wildlife Guzzlers #1
#338    East Ridge and Major Basin Wildlife Guzzlers #2
#339    SE WY Guzzler 2006-2007
#346    East Ridge and Major Basin Wildlife Guzzlers #3
#347    East Ridge and Major Basin Wildlife Guzzlers #4
#349    LDCD Sage Grouse Habitat
#350    Brushy Creek Ranch Solar Water Development
#351    Upper Porter Creek Water Development
#352    Sundance Mesa Guzzler #1
#353    Sundance Mesa Guzzler #2
#354    Red Mountain Impoundment
#357    Lander Front Mule Deer Habitat Improvement I
#358    Lander Front Mule Deer Habitat Improvement II
#361    Red Rim Well Conversions
#362    Lost Well Rehabilitation
#369    Bald Mountain Spring Development
#370    Dry Lake Solar Water Development #2
#371    Derby Springs Development
#383    Sheep Mountain Guzzler #2
#384    Antelope Springs #2
#388    South Highway Waterline Project
#389    South Highway Waterline Project II
#401    A-A Guzzler Repair
#402    Pennock Well Development ; #402 trail camera photos
#403    Bennett Mountain Guzzlers
#404    Stone Ranch Water Development
#405    Willow Creek Water Quality Improvement and Riparian Habitat Restoration
#406    Flying A Ranch Range Improvement
#407    Gillies Draw Guzzler
#415    Dry Cow Reservoir Riparian Habitat Improvement
#418    Upper Nowater Stockwater Pipeline #2
#421    Li Guzzlers
#426    Scott Spring Riparian Exclosure, Muley Fanatic Foundation of Wyoming
#427    Trapper’s Point Interpretive Pullout; LIVE WEB CAMERA FEED OF WILDLIFE OVERPASS
#429    Platte Valley Spring Developments
#431    Wapiti Ridge Spring Tanks
#433    Eversole Ranch Water Well Rehabilitation
#436    Ocean Lake Wetland Enhancement
#438    Middle Popo Agie River Restoration
#439    Ed. O Taylor WHMA Wildlife Facilities ; #439 trail camera photos
#441    Seminoe Mountain/Indian Pass Guzzler ; #441 trail camera photos
#442    Niland Windmill Well Solar Conversion
#443    Elk Mountain Water Development ; #443 trail camera photos
#444    Ruby Knolls Water Development ; #444 trail camera photos
#445    Bull Creek No. 1 Solar Well Pump
#446    Mormon Handcart Ranch Well Conversion
#452    Elk Mountain Water Development #2
#455    Ferris Mountain Wildlife Guzzlers
#457    Platte Valley Riparian Enhancement & Fence Modification: Phase 2
#458    Hawkins Draw Reservoir
#460    Bench Corral Section 36: Phase 1
#464    Big Creek Springs
#465    Wind River Reservation Water Development & Riparian Pasture
#466    Sandhills Pipeline Modification
#467    Lower Stewart Creek Pipeline
#468    Antelope Springs Snow Fence Repair
#470    Red Desert Springs Project: Phase 1
#471     Ruby Knolls Water Development Fence Conversion
#474     Mule Creek Public Access Area Springs
#476     Delaney Rim Pipeline
#479     Wick/McKee Springs Protection & Water Development
#481     Fish Draw Spring
#482     Alkali Creek Culvert Replacement
#483     Shirley Basin Reservoir Wildlife Exclosure
#484     Corral Creek Ranch Flat Top Pasture Water Enhancement
#485     Hangout Solar Winter/Yearlong Watering Trough
#486     Sierra Madre/Baggs Riparian Habitat/Water Enhancement Projects
#488     Popo Agie Gold
#491     Research Bighorn Sheep in the Teton and Whiskey Herd Units
#492     Variable Messaging Signs
#493     Sweetwater Mule Deer Movement Study
#495     Hardy Pipeline Black Hills NF
#496     Soda Lake Wetlands
#497     Lowham Ranch Spring
#500     Rankin Creek Solar Development
#501     Peralta Spring Improvement & Riparian Fencing
#502     Lower Swift Creek Stream Restoration & Stabilization
#503     Flat Creek Fish Passage & Channel Restoration
#504     Heward Grounds Pasture
#505     Beaver Rim Spring Protection
#506     Sand Mesa Wetlands                                                                                                                      #507     South Park Wetland Restoration
#508     Rock Creek Diversion
#509     Mill Creek DBA                                                                                                                                  #510     Cooks Canyon Water System Tensleep Preserve 
#511     Boyd Hollow Spring Protection Development
#512     Beaver Rim Springs Extension                                                                                                      #514     Baird Well Wildlife Development 
#515     Dubois Migration Assessment 
#518     Dexter Peak Pipeline Extension-Phase ll
#519     Beaver Dam Analogues-Central Wyoming
#520     Beaver Holding Trailer                                                                                                                  #521     Renner WHMA Restoration
#523     Lerwick Pond
#524     Upper Foot Creek Flats Water Improvements                                                                              #525     Ring Lake-Bitterroot Ranch Fence Conversion
#526     Whistler Waterhole
#528     River Bend Ranch Restoration                                                                                        
#529     Split Rock Riparian
#530     Dana Meadows Wildlife
#531     Yellowtail Wetlands                                                                              
#533     Mill Creek Fencing
#534     Fremont County Weed and Pest Control Unmanned Aircraft System
#536     Soda Lake Wetlands Well Development
#539     Temporary Beaver Holding Trailer                                                                             
#540     Beaver Holding Facility
#541     Diamond Springs Protection
#546     Canyon Creek Restoration
#547     Columbus Meadow Wetland Restoration                                                                                            #548    Pilot Hill Wildlife Habitat Management Area                                                                                        #549   Red Rim Grizzly Wildlife Habitat Management Area                                                                              #550   Franc’s Fork Watering Facility                                                                                                                #551   Dick Creek Diversion                                                                                                                              #553   Northeast Wyoming Mesic Restoration                                                                                              #555   Laramie Peak Springs Development                                                                                                      #556   Ed O’Taylor Waterline                                                                                                                              #557   Mariah Ranch                                                                                                                                          #558   Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge Wetland Restoration